Friday, April 2, 2010


My secret plan is exposed and the contest is forfeit. All this time, the charade was to put fan pressure on Zander. Every pencil stroke, every blotch of ink of The Invention of the Microscope, willing with my hands and brushes and pens to force Replacement God into the light .... for naught.

Well, not completely. Zander attached this photo as a concession to his giveupian e-mail.

Words as follows:

I wish I could, but it's going to have to

So this is it. My concession email. You have won, even without
winning. You skunked me.

As proof, I send you a picture of me with a funny hat making a TIE
fighter and the Enterprise-D fight.

I salute you.


Strikingly, Zander's face in this photo is exactly equivalent to the mouth-noises I make while drawing the space-ships of ENL.

Comiclusion ... comicluded. Til next time, dear readers!

Maxeem out.

Chapter IV of Book 2 is DONE!

Technically, I am not sure if it counts since I haven't actually printed anything after issue 6. Zander has all his books printed. And pretty. So as far as printing goes I am not there. But damn the deprecation! I have 49 new ready-to-print pages shrunken down to convenient web format.

Here is the hype.

Ex Novo Libris Part 10

I won't say "neener neener" yet, but I think Zander is pretending he didn't accept my awesome challenge right now ... nu? Nu?

Trouble is, I am still that one, precious, full-book conclusion away from having this in the bag. By "this" I mean Zander's soul. In a bag. It can't get out because the bag is lined with tin foil. If you don't believe that's how the universe works, just read my latest issue and I think you'll change your mind.

In fact, I know you will.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Plodding along ...

Half way through Chapter IV, and rethinking all of Chapter V... Will Z suddenly appear while I am struggling through the comiclusion?