Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ex Novo - the Event Horizon

The end of Ex Novo Libris is a dark dark black hole from which no light returneth, and I can already feel myself being drawn within ... for Science!

When I emerge the other side, whether glorious or shamed, know that I began the journey prepared for victory ...


Item 1.

... CHECK. How appropriate that "Poop-Monkey #3" (from Ex Novo Libris book 1) and "Invention of the Microscope #3" (from Ex Novo Libris book 2) would both have crucial notes developed within the Pentalic Utility Sketchbook, an ode to which I wrote here. It is a magic book.

Item 2.

... CHECK. Canonical essentials are added to THE YELLOW FOLDER. This folder has been with me for almost 10 years, and one day it will be in a small, dimly lit corner of a Space Museum about the downfall of the human race.

Item 3.

... CHECK. No issue is completed without extensively ignored thumbnails.

Item 4.

... CHECK. One bag-o-pages. This presently contains all my working comic projects, including Capitol, The Civil Four and some miscellany. I usually do many things on a single sheet, sometimes even two pages. I know this is not a healthy way to archive, but what can I say? I don't believe in waste.


... CHECK. Even when I fail to spell things correctly, the spirit of the dictionary is in my writing ... and that's all that matters.


I know - I know - it's not a good start to break my "2 pages of finished inks per day" record just to cram some logic into a completely illogical story ... but, I would be kidding myself if I dropped the narrative ball here. Looks like Zander gets to bide his time while I sort out the mess in the yellow folder.

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Race Begins!

Zander Cannon has accepted my challenge: a race to finish each of our fantasy epics:

Zander Cannon's Replacement God


Maxeem's Ex Novo Libris

For added "pressure" - which neither of us really needs - I - Maxeem, the challenger - have created this blog to encourage competition.

The stakes are high: we don't even know what they are. Therefore, until further notice, stay tuned.

Zander is a formidable opponent, with far superior covers, writing and artwork in even his earliest books - to any of my latest. I have also worked with Zander and watched him pencil and ink like a madman. One would presume Zander will win with or without the assistance of the man who produced Far Arden in only a year ...

I have between 200 and 300 pages remaining to wrap up my story, and I could finish as early as the spring or summer of 2010 (if I continue my 2 inked pages per day non-stop, a rather unlikely scenario) ... but with Zander's superior writing, he may only need a single issue to wrap up his entire story.

I guess it's all in how Z makes the next move.

NEXT: Our present work stations and notes